Just for Fun


The Desperately Ever After series is supposed to be witty, passionate, sarcastic, thought-provoking, and above all else: FUN! So when it came to creating a playlist, the songs I chose had to reflect that.

Some (especially Katy Perry’s Not Like the Movies) just screamed DESPERATELY EVER AFTER the moment I heard them. Others (Demons, Bloodstream, Holding on and Letting Go, Ocean Wide) reminded me of specific storylines or characters (no spoilers!) and even helped set the mood while I was writing Damsels in Distress.

Wires, All I Need, and Save Me just seemed to fit all the romantic dilemmas the characters face throughout the series. But when it came time to hit the town or party on top of Rapunzel’s penthouse, I couldn’t help but picture the ladies of Marestam dancing to Jessica Simpson’s A Public Affair—with lots of wine and sparkle!

In all honesty, this playlist could have been twice as long (and it still is on my laptop).

I hesitated to include a song as “played out” as Walk Away, but it and Dare You to Move fit Belle’s story so well. And while I initially chose Shaggy’s It Wasn’t Me to introduce her beast of a husband, I figured The First Five Times and Let’s Get Highwere jokey enough. And I had to draw the line somewhere!

The best and easiest way to listen is through Spotify, which is totally free and can be accessed through this link:


Option #2, which is way less high tech, is a list of the songs. When possible, I’ve linked the to YouTube videos, but your imagination will work better without them, and I couldn’t shake some of the advertisements. 


A Public Affair ~ Jessica Simpson
Not Like the Movies ~ Katy Perry (a theme song if I ever heard one)
Bloodstream ~ Stateless (sooooo seductive!)
The First Five Times ~ Stars (hello, Rapunzel)
Demons ~ Imagine Dragons (I’m in dangerous love/lust with the character this makes me think of)
Holding On and Letting Go ~ Ross Copperman
Walk Away ~ Kelly Clarkson
All I Need ~ Within Temptation
Ocean Wide ~ The Afters (sometimes there really are happily endings)
Let’s Get High ~ Letters to Cleo (you’ll just have to read the books to find out!)
Wires ~ Athlete
Dare You to Move ~ Switchfoot
Save Me ~ Remy Zero (perfect way to end a series of books based on fairy tales … just don’t assume it’s the men who are doing all the saving!)




Aside from securing a seven-figure book deal or winning a Pulitzer, the coolest thing I can imagine as an author is to one day watch my work come alive on the big screen. To see the jewel-toned spires of Carpale’s skyline. To hear Rapunzel’s rants against “true love.” To join in as others cheer Belle’s growing independence, laugh at Cinderella’s vengeful “masterpiece,” and roll their eyes at Penny’s helicopter mother-in-law.

Unfortunately, Hollywood hasn’t called just yet. But just in case, here is my Dream Cast* for the Desperately Ever After series. Hey, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared! 😉

(To avoid any copyright conundrums, the following photos are licensed for use under Wikipedia’s Creative Commons.)



"Emmy Rossum, 2011" by MingleMediaTVNetwork

“Emmy Rossum, 2011” by MingleMediaTVNetwork*

Belle (Beauty and the Beast): Emmy Rossum

During the course of the series, D.E.A.’s Belle goes from a sweet, naive, ingénue to a strong, independent, kick-ass woman. I’ve loved Emmy Rossum since she played innocent Christine in The Phantom of the Opera, but her performance as Fiona in Showtime’s Shameless really blew me away.



"Kristen Bell" by pinguino k from North Hollywood, USA

“Kristen Bell” by pinguino k from North Hollywood, USA*

Cinderella: Kristen Bell

For D.E.A.’s Cinderella, I picture an actress who shines playing the super smart, responsible, sophisticated woman who tends to bite off way more than she can chew and gets crazy paranoid when the slightest things go wrong — but still remains cute and lovable the entire time. For those of you who’ve seen When in Rome, all I have to say is “fountain breakdown.” For those who haven’t seen it, what are you waiting for?



"Emma-Stone-Photo-Call" by www.promiflash.de - Bitte bei Bildverwendung auch Link setzen*

“Emma-Stone-Photo-Call” by http://www.promiflash.de – Bitte bei Bildverwendung auch Link setzen*


Rapunzel: Emma Stone

Rapunzel is a force to be reckoned with, that’s for sure. Brazen, hilarious, tenacious, wild … and a heck of a lot more vulnerable than she’ll ever let anyone know. Stone has the style and attitude to be all those things. And she’s already a pro at changing her hair color!
(I have to thank Chick Lit Central for this pick. They were spot on.)



"Deborah Ann Woll by Gage Skidmore" by Gage Skidmore*

“Deborah Ann Woll by Gage Skidmore” by Gage Skidmore*

Dawn (Sleeping Beauty): Deborah Ann Woll

Dawn’s story doesn’t really come in until Book Two, but it’s one of my favorites. Having been yanked out of her century and tossed 300 years into the future, her entire existence is in conflict. After going back and forth between Amy Adams, Christina Hendricks, Rose Leslie, and a throng of other redheads, I ultimately decided on True Blood’s Woll. For now, anyway…


"Tiya Sircar, 2009 Young Hollywood Awards Red Carpet" - Via Wikipedia

Tiya Sircar, 2009 Young Hollywood Awards Red Carpet*


Penny (The Princess and the Pea): Tiya Sircar

Academically one of the smartest of the Desperately Ever After ladies, Penny is what happens when a fighting spirit gets shackled by a haunting secret — as well as by the mother-in-law from hell! Unless you saw The Internship, you might not recognize Tiya, but she’s always entertaining and would have loads of fun in Penny’s outfits 🙂


"Krysten Ritter at 27 Dresses Premiere 5" by Photo from www.lukeford.net

“Krysten Ritter at 27 Dresses Premiere 5” by Photo from http://www.lukeford.net*


Snow White: Krysten Ritter

We all know the basics. Skin as white as snow. Lips as red as blood. Hair as black as coal. But D.E.A.’s Snow White would prefer a hemp blouse and love beads to a silk dress and crown. In her view, karma is the only authority worth obeying.





"Kim Cattrall 2012 (cropped)" by Canadian Film Centre*

“Kim Cattrall 2012 (cropped)” by Canadian Film Centre*

Ruby (Cinderella’s fairy godmother): Kim Cattrall

Catapulted to Oprah-like status after her role in Cinderella’s transformation, Ruby is one of the last pureblood fairies in a world of dwindling magic. She’s also tremendously nosy, vehemently opposed to change, and a total diva. While I loved Chick Lit Central’s suggestion of Melissa McCarthy in this role, I think Cattrall would capture the holier-than-thou attitude as well as the humor. (The Sex and the City nod is a bonus!)



Unfortunately, the fair use photos on Wikipedia simply didn’t do the men of D.E.A. justice! For the husbands, heart-throbs, supporting females, and much better pictures* of the women mentioned above, please see my D.E.A. Dream Cast board on Pinterest. (With Chris Evans and Ian Somerhalder in the mix, you won’t be disappointed!!).


A few additional goodies:

Halloween in the United Kingdoms of Marestam – costume roundup

Twelve romance movies to watch over… and over… again

Meet Miss Chick Lit 2015 (aka Rapunzel)

Best Christmas Movies – EVER

Best Halloween films for wussies (like me)