Hope for a color-blind future

Two years ago, I invoked lessons from Dr. Seuss’s Horton Hears a Who to talk about about the lack of action regarding gun control and mass shootings. But it applies to what’s going on now as well. Not enough of us have raised our voices against racism in this country. We need more noise. Like the civilization on that tiny speck of clover in the story, there can be no shirkers if we’re going to survive.

If we blissfully thought in the past that being non-racist was enough, we must now realize that it’s grossly insufficient. Too many old, hateful ideologies still exist and are still being taught to young minds that would otherwise be full of love. Those of us who know this must proclaim it to the mountains: Being silently non-racist is not enough. We need to be loudly anti-racist — no matter who it means calling out.

In my house, our children have long been taught that skin color is nothing more than another physical characteristic — like hair color, eye color, or height. It is not important. That seemed to be a fine thing for non-racist parents to teach. But it’s not. It’s too easy. There is also a history … a context … and a deep, profound pain … that should not be swept under the rug because of how uncomfortable, how shameful, it is.

In her book, Becoming, Michelle Obama mentions her parents’ wise words on the importance of context. “Everyone on earth, they’d tell us, was carrying around an unseen history. And that alone deserved some tolerance.”

That alone. Before even lifting the cover.

To get through this once and for all, we need to recognize the past for what it was, take responsibility as a society, and move on with the hope for a beautiful, vibrantly colorblind future.

Then maybe we’ll finally get our “Yopp!”


Read the 2018 post and  more relevant lessons from Dr. Seuss here: https://laurakenyon.com/2018/03/02/timeless-lessons-from-dr-seuss/

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Just a mom, stuck at home, watching the world and thinking…

When all of this is over, I wonder if the world will look back and see both the stumbles and the triumphs clearly. I wonder if, when we attempt to rewrite history with 20/20 hindsight, we wind up agonizing over missed opportunities … or celebrating the changes we made that improved everything going forward. 

I wonder if we’ll choose a path that lets this break us, estrange us, and split us apart. We may be tempted to boomerang back into our old ways and let 300,000+ lives be lost for nothing. We may want to stick our heads in the sand and let the carnage continue long after the virus is defeated. Or we may decide to see this as a turning point.

We can choose to learn from what we’ve experienced. We can choose to re-prioritize. We can choose to do what human beings do best and reinvent ourselves.

When all of this is over, we can turn reluctant adaptation into revolutionary innovation — innovation that, this time, doesn’t happen at the expense of our planet. Or our freedom. Or our ability to enjoy what’s truly important in life. This time, we can redefine the word “progress” to mean something that benefits us all — two-legged, four-legged, leafy and scaled alike.

There is a wonderful video going around by British poet “Probably Tom Foolery,” which looks back on the current pandemic and dubs it “The Great Realisation.” Obviously, this is oversimplified — glossing over all the death, the ruin, and the profound suffering caused by this virus. But it is prophetic and inspiring nonetheless.

No one is happy that Covid-19 is happening. But it is. It is clawing a defining line in the earth and daring us to cross back over. “The Great Realisation” spotlights an unprecedented opportunity to fix what was wrong before the world as we knew it shut down. 

As Clarence the angel said in the 1946 film “It’s a Wonderful Life,” it’s a rare gift to see how the world would look without us in it. Right now, we are being shown what our planet would be like without humanity — or at least without its unchecked air-polluting, garbage-dumping, oil-spilling, ocean-ravaging, wildlife-annihilating tendencies. It’s as if Mother Nature watched all of our toothless pontificating about climate change, grew tired of our worthless political bickering, could no longer stomach our blatant denial of reality … and decided enough was enough. No fair-minded person can deny how the atmosphere is improving, and wildlife is flourishing, and waterways are clearing while we’re in detention.

The question is do we listen? Or do we become that world-destroying species we’ve prophesied and demonized in so many science fiction sagas? Do we channel our inner cinematic villain and sweep everything we’ve seen under the rug?

Life after the pandemic will inevitably be different, no matter how we decide to move forward. We will adapt. We will survive. But when has that ever been humanity’s ultimate goal?

If hindsight is 20/20, then let 2020 be the year we defog our lenses, prepare for the future, and stop letting petty rivalries obscure what is right.

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Always at our fingertips

Does anyone here remember the phrase, “Be kind, rewind?” Do you recall a store called Blockbuster? Did you ever sprint towards a wall packed with new releases, stomach full of butterflies, only to find out there were no precious white boxes behind the glittering Hollywood covers? Do you remember when packing for vacation meant sorting through a knee-high pile of books — knowing the mood could strike for any one of them on your trip, but unwilling to lug all of them with you?

Friends, we truly do live in the age of convenience. And while it definitely goads me that my kids assume I should have access to every song, every movie, and every episode of any television show they want at a given moment … which often leads to us listening to “Frozen 2,” “Disney Junior Dance Party,’ and “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas” two dozen times rather than succumbing to a good classic rock radio station (God forbid they hear a commercial) … it’s generally pretty awesome.

Bear in mind, I say all this as one of the last people of my generation to get:

  • a smartphone (I refused for ages),
  • a tablet (basically a big smartphone)
  • a Kindle (after refusing to “disrespect” physical books for years, I received one as a gift and now don’t board a plane without it),
  • a smart watch (I just recently agreed to “try it out”)
  • Audible (still on my free trial month)

I say all this because I’m amazed at how different things are for my kids than they were for me. Fundamentally they are the same — they still want to watch tv after school, they still want their own music in the car, they still need constant entertainment at restaurants, waiting rooms, etc. But the way in which they achieve these things, and the declining rate at which they have to settle for something else, is so different. Can you imagine what would happen if they asked to watch “Frozen,” and I replied that I put a hold on it at the library and we could go pick it up in 4-6 weeks? I guess it’s our job as parents to make sure they learn to compromise in this age of instant satisfaction. To make sure they still get dissatisfied once in a while, so they know how to cope.

But anyhoo… Now that this post has completely gotten away from me, I’d like to circle back to the reason I started it in the first place — to let you all know that Desperately Ever After is finally available in paperback once again. So yes, you can now experience the trilogy in any format your instant-gratification bone desires: audiobook, ebook, or good old-fashioned paper. You know, in case you need a little color for your bookshelf…

To make it even easier, here are the links, one by one:

Desperately Ever After (book 1)
Damsels in Distress (book 2)
Skipping Midnight (book 3)

Desperately Ever After (book 1)
Damsels in Distress (book 2)
Skipping Midnight (book 3)

Desperately Ever After (book 1)
Damsels in Distress (book 2)
Skipping Midnight (book 3)


P.S. If you’re interested, a recent survey by the Pew Research Center found that print books are still the most popular way to read a book. Literary purists unite!


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Counting down to full price!

Just a reminder: Amazon’s Kindle Countdown Deal ends at midnight January 1.

Desperately Ever After (Book 1) will be 99 cents for the duration, but both Damsels in Distress (Book 2) and Skipping Midnight (Book 3) will go up to $2.99 when the ball drops tonight!



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How is it almost 2020??

Can you believe we’re entering the 2020s in just a few hours? It seems like only yesterday I was in my parents’ living room, listening to my uncles croon mangled folksongs while my cousins blew on noisemakers and everyone tried to brace themselves for Y2K. Back then, I was a junior in high school. Now, I’m a wife (ten years going), a mom (times two), a homeowner (second time around), a former newspaper editor (first female in its 100-year-history), and novelist (trilogy, baby!).

Celebrating my 38th New Year means I’ve made at least a couple dozen resolutions over the years: to eat better, exercise more, drink less, be more mindful, be less defensive, be more attentive, be less reactive, blog more often, read at least twice a week, sleep at least seven hours a day, actually start meal planning, don’t make one load of laundry take three days, and so on. But this year, I’m putting all the aforementioned in a wishful-thinking bubble, and focusing on what I want to accomplish professionally in 2020. And I’m broadcasting them here in hopes someone will hold me accountable if I start to lag!

So here goes. During the first year of the third decade of the 2000s, I plan to:

  • Publish the novella that’s been floating around in my head for a year (Grethel deserves to be heard!)
  • Complete at least one draft of my next novel (stay tuned for more details)
  • Release the entire Desperately Ever After trilogy as an ebook bundle
  • Either step up my freelancing game or start an editing/paginating business on the side
  • And a bonus: Take the unfinished manuscript I shelved almost a decade ago, and give it a new life

I’m printing this out right now and pinning it up by my computer.
And now it’s your turn. What are your goals for 2020? Maybe we can cheer each other on!!





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A whole new … everything

In the kingdom of Connecticut, autumn is symbolic of the end. It’s when the flowers stop growing, the trees start to fall asleep, and the playgrounds become a little less busy. It is not ordinarily a time for renewal.

For me, however, autumn 2019 is a season of rebirth. Like Snow White in the glass coffin, Sleeping Beauty at the end of her 300-year nap, and Cinderella after trying on the lost glass slipper, my books are getting a whole new lease on life. As am I.

Without going into too much detail, a change in representation made it necessary for me to remove my entire series from one account and upload it to another. It could have been a simple switch. But anyone who knows me well knows that I have a tendency to turn even the simplest tasks into long, all-consuming projects because I need them to be perfect. (That, and I’m slightly OCD with a penchant for second-guessing everything.)

So in May, I thought about the fact that my books would have to be moved anyway. I thought about how they’d need to get new identification numbers anyway. I thought about how I was never really happy with the third book’s cover. And I thought about the fact that between the launch of Desperately Ever After and the conclusion of the series, I moved, navigated two pregnancies, had more than a few health scares, and tried to keep up with the impossible task of raising a newborn/toddler. Needless to say, I may have been a little preoccupied (aka crazed, sleep-deprived, manic, spiritually depleted) at times.

So on October 15 — after a summer filled with road trips, beach vacations, and revisions — I am relaunching the entire series without a two-year gap between books 2 and 3. I’m relaunching the series with a new cover for Skipping Midnight, a better map, character lists, and tighter prose. I’m relaunching the series with every plot hole I could find sewn shut, every mediocre word rethought, and many opportunities for future stories sprinkled in.

But most importantly, I am relaunching the series. I formatted the manuscript. I uploaded the art, keyed in the descriptions, and chose what programs in which to enroll. I will be in full control of my creation from here on out — no longer waiting on a white-gloved intermediary  to make every minor change.

Technically, I was a self-published author in 2014 and 2016, when these books first came out. But I did not have full control over them. I was “self -published” through an agency. Now that I’m pulling the strings, autumn of 2019 just feels different. It feels invigorating. Like a crisp October breeze or cascade of orange leaves twirling through the air … it feels like I — and my characters — are free.

Available now for pre-order:

Desperately Ever After

Damsels in Distress

Skipping Midnight


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Don’t Miss the Book a Trip Hop!!

Chick Lit Chat HQ is throwing a party on Facebook to celebrate summer and lots of fun, romantic beach reads, and you’re all invited! The Book a Trip Hop is happening this week, July 15th-July 21st, and we’ve got a multitude of great prizes up for grabs. In addition, you’ll have the chance to meet and interact with 40+ bestselling, award-winning authors who all have wonderful books to share that will transport you to fabulous locations all over the world, including charming small towns, glamorous big cities, and relaxing spots near the water.

Want to know more about the hop prizes? Each participating author will be doing a giveaway* of books, gift cards, swag, and/or vacation/summer-themed items. And our Grand Prize* (which you can enter to win on the hop’s Facebook group page) is a designer beach bag filled with summer must-haves! (The Soul Journey ikat print scarf, Privé Revaux sunglasses, Havaianas rose gold glitter flip-flops, rainbow unicorn pool float, Mar Y Sol Hadley tote, and Deco Miami nail polish/cuticle oil set shown in the graphic below are just a few of the items included in this incredible prize.)

And that’s not all! We’re also giving away TWO Bonus Prizes* on the hop group page: Yonanas Fruit Soft Serve Machines. With Yonanas, you can churn out 100% frozen fruits to create a yummy, summertime dessert without fat, dairy, refined sugar, or preservatives.

So, what are you waiting for? Click on this link and join the party at the Book a Trip Hop group on Facebook. We’ve got a virtual piña colada with your name on it, and you can chat about a variety of summer-themed topics with authors and readers! You’ll, also, find a list of each day’s featured authors and their page links in the pinned post on the group each day of the hop and that’s where you can enter to win the Grand/Bonus Prize giveaways. See you there!

*The Grand and Bonus Prize giveaways are open to US residents only. However, ALL of the individual author giveaways are open internationally.

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Several people have reached out to me regarding the sudden unavailability of the Desperately Ever After print and e-books. So here’s the deal: due to a change in representation, the entire Desperately Ever After trilogy is in the process of switching accounts on Amazon. I’m working as quickly as I can to have the entire series put back up — with a few improvements and additions (more on that later) — later this summer. I’m so very sorry for any inconvenience it has caused. I know Damsels in Distress ends in quite a cliffhanger, and hate making you wait for the conclusion. But rest assured, they will be back!

If you can’t wait, the original audiobooks are still available through Tantor Media and Amazon. I’ve been listening to them a lot lately, while I make those enhancements to the original story, and think Sarah Mollo-Christensen does a phenomenal job. She truly captures the voices of the main protagonists, and even brings Ethan’s accent to life 😉

Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I’ll send out an alert via my email list as soon as the print and e-books are available again. You can sign up for that using this link: https://bit.ly/2Yb7i78

Thank you for your patience and happy (summer) reading!




One part Game of Thrones

 Two parts Desperate Housewives

Three parts Brothers Grimm



New York Times bestselling author Stephanie Evanovich says:
“Laura Kenyon makes happily ever after desperately delicious!”

2014 National Indie Excellence Awards Chick-Lit Finalist
Amazon #1 Bestseller for: Women’s Fantasy Fiction, Women’s Humorous Fiction, and Paranormal Fantasy

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Holly Jolly Chick Lit Hop 2018!


Wait, didn’t we just do this? How is November almost over? Is Christmas really just five weeks away?!

Perhaps I’m the only one, but it seems like I just announced the Pumpkins and Pages Hop winners a couple weeks ago. Well, there are some instances in which a speedy clock can be a good thing. Like while you’re sinking into a communal leather couch waiting for the world’s longest oil change. Or while you’re gearing up for the next epic Chick Lit Chat HQ event — in this case the third annual Holly Jolly Chick Lit Hop, which runs December 3-9 and features more than 60 amazing authors and contests.

In past years, I handed out e-books, paperback books, and holiday movies. But if I learned anything during the Pumpkins and Pages Hop, it’s that you guys love clothes! You want to cuddle up in sweaters, scarves, and hoodies when it’s cold out, and hit the beach when it’s hot. Rather than pick out something that may not fit your style, however, I’ve decided to let the winner work directly with my favorite online “personal stylist” by offering a $40 gift certificate to Stitch Fix. If you’ve already tried them, you know how exciting this opportunity is. If you haven’t, use my referral link to cover the styling fee, and tell them what you like. You only pay for what you love, so there’s nothing to lose. And in my experience, they do whatever it takes to make you happy — sending one free shipment after another until you fall in love with something and find your personal stylist match. Plus, the style quizzes are pretty fun 😉

In addition to my giveaway (which opens Saturday, December 8, on my Facebook page) and those of the 60-plus other authors, Chick Lit Chat HQ is offering a grand prize gift box stuffed with holiday-and winter-themed goodies, and four runner-up prizes. So join the Holly Jolly Chick Lit Hop group on Facebook, mark your calendars for December 3-9, and put a giant red circle around December 8. Trust me, it will be worth putting down the eggnog.

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Blog Hop Alert!!

Hooray for fall! Hooray for pumpkins! And apples! And jeans! And cozy fleece sweatshirts you should have gotten rid of years ago!

But most of all, hooray for Chick Lit Chat HQ and their absolutely amazing blog hops!

Yes, today marks Day 1 of the Pumpkins & Pages Bog Hop. I’m delighted to be giving away some scrumptious dark chocolate pumpkin biscotti, a $10 Starbucks gift card (buy a maple pecan latte, you won’t be disappointed), and a useless but totally adorable pumpkin-shaped knickknack 😉

But that’s only one of MORE THAN 50 contests going on during this hop. Toss in a group-wide grand prize giveaway featuring THIS hand-crafted wreath, and you just can’t say no!

For full details, visit my Facebook page. And best of luck!!!

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