Sneak a peek at page 45 — plus a SWEET giveaway!


What’s on page 45 of Damsels in Distress, the second book in the series that’s 1 part Sex and the City, 2 parts Desperate Housewives, and 3 parts Brothers Grimm? Read on to find out!

Sleeping Beauty bedWhen Dawn Tirion awoke from three centuries years of slumber, she was buried beneath an inch of dust, her childhood kingdom was an overgrown mess, and a strange man’s tongue was forcing its way into her mouth. The former crown princess was confused, scared, and unbelievably groggy. Not a great time for making life decisions.

Fast forward eleven years and the “sleeping beauty queen” has an updated wardrobe, two children, and a royal husband (Hunter) she barely knows. Sleeping Beauty forestWhat’s more, having expended enough shuteye for three lifetimes, she’s physically incapable of sleeping and spends every night wandering the woods around her castle and imagining things were different. Dawn knows she’s supposed to be grateful to this modern world and her so-called “rescuer.” But secretly, she wishes she was back in the 18th century, racing around the castle with her friends, and imagining her future with a boy named Davin.

By this point in the book, we know Dawn believes Davin was her first love. We also believe he died during her kingdom’s 300-year-coma—a historical period now known as the Great Sleep. But he’s still the one she fantasizes about when free to be alone with her thoughts. Mystical forest - purpleThat is, until a perilous misstep during her nocturnal wanderings lands her in the arms of someone new. Someone handsome, mysterious, inexplicably familiar, and dangerously REAL.

On page 45, she hasn’t actually met this stranger yet, but she’s watched him. She’s watched him many times in the moonlight, making up stories about who he is (hence the three names) and where he came from. That’s where she’s headed when her foot snags a rock and she tumbles to the edge of a cliff—forcing her to shout for help. Here’s a brief peek:

She looked up, whipping the curtain of copper hair from her eyes. Her knuckles, bright white, were clutching a raised tree root. Great. She was either going to die or meet Hunter’s sexual stand-in while filthy and wriggling like a hooked fish. For the first time in her life, she actually was a damsel in distress. Hunter’s “rescue,” in her opinion, had been no more heroic than a foreigner “discovering” an already inhabited land and thrusting a flag between its legs.

She pictured Mark/Rupert/Damian rushing to her aid, plucking her into the air with one hand, and placing her delicately on the ground by his side. Then she pictured him staring at her single yellow sneaker, her dirt-caked yoga pants, and her ragged hair. She cringed. Sure, he hadn’t seemed like the superficial type. But then again, everything he’d seemed had been pure fantasy—a shell which she’d filled with all the dream qualities she wished Hunter could magically attain: Patience. Compassion. Humility. A love of the simple—

The sound of rustling scattered her thoughts.

You’ll have to read past page 45 to find out how exactly Dawn meets her mystery man … and where it leads. But don’t forget that Dawn’s a queen, a wife, and a mother. She was raised to keep her word no matter how unfair it seems. There’s no conceivable circumstance that would justify betraying her husband and the people who look up to her. Or is there?


Postcard - white border w NIEA

One part Sex and the City
Two parts Desperate Housewives
Three parts Brothers Grimm

Amazon #1 Bestseller for:
Women’s Fantasy Fiction
Women’s Humorous Fiction
& Paranormal Fantasy

*   Amazon US    *    Amazon UK   *

Thanks so much for stopping by Skipping Midnight for the What’s on Page 45 blog hop. Don’t forget to visit all of the fabulous participating author sites (listed below) and claim all 36 chances of winning a one-pound box of caramels from Whitney’s Goodies!

The winner will have five delectable flavors to choose from:

• The Girl Next Door (Crème Caramels): A scrumptious, full-bodied caramel. Old fashioned, melt-in-your-mouth bliss!
• The Charmer (Chocolate Crème Caramels): This smooth, chocolate cream caramel will add panache to your day. An exquisite and elegant morsel, simply irresistible.
• The Movie Star (Orange Crème Caramels): A timeless treat that will satisfy caramel fans of all ages. “The stuff that dreams are made of!”
• The Bombshell (Lemon Crème Caramels): A bodacious bit of heaven with a bold citrus pallet. They will leave you satisfied and refreshed. Caramels are a girl’s best friend!
• Always a Lady (Rose Caramels): A delicate bouquet of rose essence infuses this lovely caramel: alluring, tantalizing and reminiscent of another era. They are perfect for weddings and bridal showers. A definite for ladies who lunch or breakfast at Tiffany’s.

To enter (US residents only for this one), answer the following question in the comments section below. Remember to include your email address so we can contact the winner. 


In four or five words, why do you think the Desperately Ever After series would be a good read?

The giveaway is open through Monday, May 18, and a winner will be chosen via the next day. Follow @laura_kenyon on Twitter for the announcement. And don’t forget to sign up for Chick Lit May’s $100 makeover gift card if you haven’t yet 😉

What’s on Page 45 Participants:





Filed under Blog Hops, Contests, Desperately Ever After

14 responses to “Sneak a peek at page 45 — plus a SWEET giveaway!

  1. Great post 🙂 (Pippa Franks) x

  2. Laura P Bryant

    Because everyone loves a fairy tale.

  3. I love fairy tales revisited. Sounds like a fun read.

  4. love the premise of this book! adding to my to-read list

  5. Pingback: Introducing the Desperately Ever After soundtrack! And a special treat… | Skipping Midnight

  6. Pingback: Vote for Miss Chick Lit 2015 — and win a free makeover! | Skipping Midnight

  7. bn100

    for the fairytale stories

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

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